
We Support to the Bill to Adjust the Immigration Status of Certain Venezuelan Nationals who are in the United States (HR3744) / Nosotros Apoyamos la Ley para el Ajuste el Estatus de Algunos de los Venezolanos que están en los Estados Unidos (HR3744)

Sometimes we need to see beyond our comfort zone and see our environment because it always affects us, and this is one of this cases; when we need to go away from our technological vision and watch in this case a humanitarian and political situation that is affecting the Venezuelans around the world and in this specific case those who live in the United States.

Many Venezuelan people living in United States are going out of a migratory status because his VISAS (H1B, F1, etc.) are expiring and forced to remain because can’t return to our country because our lives are in jeopardy due to the constant violation of the most basic human rights. This HR3744 act is not political, is humanitarian to help this people which are being helpless to fend for themselves without resources to work and to subsist.

This bill was sponsored by the Representatives Carlos Curbelo, Alan Grayson, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Patrick Murphy, Albio Sires.

This bill is supported by many no profit organizations (NPO) like Asociación de Madres y Mujeres Venezolanas en el Exterior (AMAVEX), Organización Avenext, Venezolanos En Georgia and other Venezuelan NPO around US.

For the international audience, the actual situation in Venezuela is a progressive and undercover dismantling of the democratic structure in the country started by the Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez Frias in 1999 until his dead in 2013 and continued by the actual president Nicolas Maduro and always with the Engineer Diosdado Cabello’s support, among many others; and to remain in the head of the government they are throttling the Venezuelan people because they keep a strong control over the most basic resources like food, electricity, water, etc. and with this keeping the people only care how to survive the next day; and also they created and support paramilitary groups to attack anyone who dares to dissent or protest against government. In the simple way, it is a dictatorship with democratic mask.

Only 4 days left and 36000 for signing, please support the HR3744 act, you don’t need to be Venezuelan, everyone can help, just need your name and one email, and something really important is confirm your sing just clicking on the link that you will receive at your email’s inbox.

And for the people living in Venezuela, please help us to allow us help you, because we are living in other countries but we not forget you, because our families remain Venezuela and they are suffering the same human rights violations every day.

The time to act is now, not for later. Sign here!!!  the White House’s petitions. #JUNTOSSOMOSMAS  #APOYALALEYHR3744


Algunas veces tenemos que salirnos de nuestra zona de confort y ver a nuestro entorno porque él siempre nos afecta de una u otra forma, y este es uno de esos casos donde debemos apartarnos de nuestra visión tecnológica y observar la situación humanitaria y política que está afectando a los venezolanos alrededor del mundo y en este caso específico aquellos que viven en los Estados Unidos.

Muchos venezolanos que viven en los Estados Unidos están quedando fuera de estatus migratorio porque sus visas de trabajo, estudio, etc. Están expirando y están siendo forzados a quedarse porque no pueden regresar a nuestro país porque sus vidas están en peligro por las constantes violaciones de los más básicos derechos humanos. Esta ley HR3744 no es política, es humanitaria para ayudar a estas personas que se están quedando desamparadas para valerse por ellas mismas porque no tienen los recursos que les permitan trabajar para auto mantenerse.

Esta ley está patrocinada por los representantes al congreso de los Estados Unidos Carlos Curbelo, Alan Grayson, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Patrick Murphy, Albio Sires.

Además, está patrocinada por las organizaciones sin fines de lucro Asociación de Madres y Mujeres Venezolanas en el Exterior (AMAVEX), Organización Avenext, Venezolanos En Georgia y otras organizaciones sociales venezolanas alrededor de los Estados Unidos.

Para la audiencia internacional, la situación actual en Venezuela es un progresivo y encubierto desmantelamiento de las estructuras democráticas en el país, iniciado por el Teniente Coronel Hugo Chávez Frías en 1999 hasta su muerte en el año 2013, obra que es continuada por el actual presidente Nicolás Maduro y siempre con el apoyo del Ingeniero Diosdado Cabello, ente muchos otros; quienes para permanecer a la cabeza del gobierno, están estrangulando al pueblo venezolano porque mantienen un férreo control sobre los recursos más básicos, como lo son la comida, la electricidad, el agua entre otros; de esta forma manteniendo al pueblo venezolano solo pendiente de cómo sobrevivir el siguiente día; además ellos han creado y mantienen grupos paramilitares para atacar a cualquiera que se atreva a disentir o protestar en contra del gobierno. De forma más simple, es una dictadura con mascara de democracia.

Solo faltan 4 días y 36000 firmas para que termine el plazo de recolección, por favor apoyen la ley HR3744, no necesitas ser venezolano, todos pueden ayudar, solo necesitas tu nombre y un correo electrónico, y algo sumamente importante es el confirmar su firma, para lo cual debe hacer click en el enlace que recibe en su buzón de correo electrónico.

Para la gente que vive en Venezuela, por favor ayúdennos para así nosotros poder ayudarles, porque el hecho de que vivamos en otro país no implica que los hemos olvidado, porque nuestras familias viven en Venezuela y ellos están también sufriendo las mismas violaciones a los derechos humanos todos los días.

El tiempo de actual es ahora, no es para después. Firma Aqui!!! la petición para que la Casa Blanca se pronuncie sobre esta ley. #JUNTOSSOMOSMAS  #APOYALALEYHR3744



Julian Bolivar-Galeno is an Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) Architect whose expertise is in telecommunications, security and embedded systems. He works in BolivarTech focused on decision making, leadership, management and execution of projects oriented to develop strong security algorithms, Artificial Intelligence (AI) research and its applicability to smart solutions at mobile and embedded technologies, always producing resilient and innovative applications.

We Support to the Bill to Adjust the Immigration Status of Certain Venezuelan Nationals who are in the United States (HR3744) / Nosotros Apoyamos la Ley para el Ajuste el Estatus de Algunos de los Venezolanos que están en los Estados Unidos (HR3744)


The Artificial Intelligence is not Voodoo

Devil-AI-DD-2The people in general demonize the things they do not understand, this is something that is happening from the beginning of the times.

For example, before was the vaccines, organ transplants, etc. and now is the Artificial Intelligence (AI) turn. Is interesting for me with my AI knowledges and background read and watch how the people tend to provide skill and abilities to the AI that they are far away to have, and if are diabolic is more the sensationalism in the media.

Before continue I want to extend my congratulations and thank to the company DeepMind for its open policy that allows the researchers community to have access to the methodology in the algorithms that they implemented.

The AI goal is to produce algorithms that allow computers to process data, or take decision, based on the human conception of intelligence; that is far away from the popular misconception of AI’s goal is create a superior intelligence, because as was explained on the other publication “Artificial Intelligence, is really so dangerous?” we don’t understand what intelligence really is.

Examples from this devilish perception of the IA can be found so easy in the media, because it is really easy to catch the reader attention with this kind of sensationalism that provide a better understood of how is really working.

Lilith-DDFor example, the Deep Dream experiment of the Google’s company DeepMind, they used Deep Neural Networks (DNN) trained to spot patterns in pictures to identify them; this technology already allows it to recognize animals and faces in photos applications.

The research engineers ran various pictures through its neural network, to identify patterns in the images and then alter that image by mixing the original with the image recognized by the DNN, this makes the picture look a little bit more like the pattern that DNN recognized. The neural network then repeats the process with the altered image and after enough times, the picture change radically. At the end the Deep Dream algorithms reinforce a DNN’s false positive by mixing the pattern with the original image and running again with the modified image reinforce more the false positive.

In this algorithm is nothing mysterious, diabolic or brujeria (witchery), you can see it as any of the Snapchat’s silly filters, and you can create your own images at the Deep Dream Generator web page; but you can find media headers like “Now You Can Turn Your Photos Into Computerized Nightmares With Deep Dream” or “Deep Dream: Artificial intelligence meets hallucinations” for example, or in other cases can be worse, for example the youtuber ‘DrossRotzank’ in his video “El extraño dibujo de la inteligencia artificial” transmit the idea that is like when you request to a child to draw something bases in his imaginations.

The Neural Networks is just one algorithm, and have its beginnings with “The Perceptron”, one algorithm that was invented in 1957 at the Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory by Frank Rosenblatt, and by 1958 The New York Times reported the perceptron to be “the embryo of an electronic computer that expects will be able to walk, talk, see, write, reproduce itself and be conscious of its existence.”

BT-DDIn this moment exist researches working on more complex algorithms, based on multilayers, convolutional Neural Networks, like the used in Deep Dreams or AlphaGo, and other of them include self-organizing capabilities like the self-organizing map (SOM) that apply competitive learning or NeuroBrain that use mix of error-correction learning, structure generation by reinforcement and evolutive algorithms to produce a full dynamic topology neural network with little boundaries to limit the less possible the structure that can be generated.

The concept of a demoniac AI that try to kill the humanity is good for a movie villain, but in the real world is far away of it, and the real danger in the AI is that every day we are leaving more and more responsibility to manage critical systems controlled by “dumb Intelligent Systems” with poor quality control and a deficient testing and homologation procedures.



Julian Bolivar-Galeno is an Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) Architect whose expertise is in telecommunications, security and embedded systems. He works in BolivarTech focused on decision making, leadership, management and execution of projects oriented to develop strong security algorithms, Artificial Intelligence (AI) research and its applicability to smart solutions at mobile and embedded technologies, always producing resilient and innovative applications.

The Artificial Intelligence is not Voodoo